Generating Clarity in Your Life

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We crave clarity.

When we don’t see a clear purpose, goal, intention, next step, or outcome we feel overwhelmed, distracted, fatigued, restless, frustrated, and even despairing.

When we do have clarity, we feel energized, confident and begin to build momentum.

Yet, even though we deeply desire clarity, we don’t take the quiet time needed to cultivate it. We put it on a to-do list for tomorrow, next week, or next month.

Sometimes this delay is because of a truly busy schedule or a trusted instinct that it’s not quite the right time for this type of self-reflection.

Other times it’s avoidance. We are avoiding making choices. We are avoiding facing a life change. We are avoiding facing the fact that we don’t know what we want. Asking yourself what you truly want — and listening to the answer — is a vulnerable conversation to have with yourself.

How do we move from lack of clarity to a sense of direction?

  1. Ask Yourself: What do I really want?
    Do you pause and give yourself time to contemplate this question?

    This answer cannot be outsourced. It only comes from you. If you are really stuck, you might start by identifying what you don’t want, which sometimes comes more easily.

    Example: I know I don’t want to feel micro-managed and stifled in my job. So what do I want? To feel like I’m a trusted, creative, contributing part of a team.

  2. Notice When You Feel Good
    Pay attention to the activities you enjoy give you a positive Return on Energy (ROE℠). You will begin to notice patterns. These patterns will lead you to identifying what you want more of in your life and work. This approach is outlined in detail in Designing Your Life.

  3. Build Trust With Yourself
    Do you trust yourself, your instincts, and your intuition? Developing a trusting relationship with yourself is essential. You will begin to know when an idea is positive for you or when it’s not by how it feels to you. You will be able to discern when you are on a path toward a goal that truly excites you or one that you are doing for others.

  4. Have Patience

    Even though we yearn for Clarity, it takes time and cannot be rushed. If you are impatient, you might jump to a conclusion too soon in the process. You will become clear again, then lose focus, then become clear. Clarity naturally ebbs and flows, like all cycles of development.

  5. Enjoy It When It’s There!

    Finally, if you are experience clear inspiration, enjoy it, share it, and ride the wave of momentum! This is a moment to revel in and celebrate.


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