Petra Van Dieren

THE NETHERLANDS | Petra van Dieren is an eternal student of life who believes in the power of love.

Her mission is to contribute to organizations and people’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing with a holistic approach. She is happy to work with women and men who want to integrate their female and masculine qualities to live 'wholly'.

In her corporate career she has worked in different multinationals (GE, AkzoNobel, Dawn foods, Heineken) with all the management levels to build a safe and healthy work environment. She is an expert in health and safety management, manages teams and projects, and designs and facilitates leadership programs. Her current global safety leadership program is based on psychological safety and building trust.

As an eternal student of life she has mastered a variety of different skills and knowledge and is flexible in her approach. In her career over the last 20 year she has collected a list of labels and experiences; She is an organizational consultant, health and safety professional, insights and disc facilitator, leadership and development program designer and facilitator, Tiara True Leadership Coach, Shakti Leadership Fellow, Chineng Qigong teacher, yogi, tantrika, shamanism and Mayan astrology adept.

She enables people to connect to their inner truth and guides them on the next steps to take. She is caring and practical and able to show that life can be magical.

What her life’s work is about?

  • Relationships are key to create change

  • Building communities on social values

  • Be a conscious leader, work with intent

  • Develop self and others to have the biggest impact

  • Influencing each other by being your authentic self

  • Creating a safe workplace for all

She has been an affiliate with the Tiara International network since 2014 and is a certified coach in the Tiara Model of True Leadership.

For more on Petra, visit


Peg Rowe


Brenda Slagter