Members Only | Virtual | True Leadership Session on Well-Being

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Our True Leadership Sessions are offered each month, exclusively for our Premium & Premium Plus Tiara Resource Circle Members, based on the Tiara Model for True Leadership (SM)


One differentiator in the Tiara Model for True Leadership (SM) is that it includes Well-being within the framework. We know that leaders can only access their inner wisdom when they are balanced, healthy, and well.

Please don't confuse Well-being with a fitness or diet regime. Each person accesses Well-being in their unique way. The most important factor is that you develop a conscious, nurturing, supportive relationship with yourself such that you take care of yourself every day.

In this True Leadership Session we will reflect on the state of our Well-being, reignite our relationship with ourselves, and remove any obstacles to integrating Well-being into our days -- using love as an access to Well-being!


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