Elisa Tawil


BRAZIL | “Prepared women deal better with the roles and responsibilities they deserve, want and need to have.”

How can Elisa help you?

“I can support you in three ways: Mentoring, Consulting and Lectures. Visit www.elisatawil.com.br download for free my 9 Tips for Self-Leadership and learn more about me.”

The rise of female leadership is a necessary and urgent reality worldwide. For women to claim their space and establish themselves as co-protagonists of gender equity, especially in the labor market, it is necessary to bring balance and inclusive growth in corporate, family and social life.

Elisa is the first from São Paulo to be certified by the Advanced Leadership for Women course by Shakti Fellowship, in partnership with San Diego University, California and mentor of the Tiara International LLC Certification Program.

Based on Shakti Leadership theory (Nilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia), Shakti Fellowship certification evokes leadership as a lifestyle based on its five main elements: presence, energy, integrity, flexibility and congruence. This practice, combined with the elegant tools developed by Tiara, compose my methodology and main experience in the theme of leadership and female leadership.

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Christina Gottschau


Elizabeth Ruske