Become Masterful in Relationship Building with Political Intelligence (TM)


Whether or not we want to admit it, we are operating within an organizational culture and system. Increasing our positive political awareness and savvy intentionally develops our Political Intelligence (TM).

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To understand your Political Intelligence you will:

  1. Take the political intelligence profile (pip)™ 36-question Survey.

  2. Work with a Tiara Certified Leadership Coach to debrief your results (one 75-minute debrief call).

  3. Schedule a one-on-one leadership coaching call with your Tiara Certified Leadership Coach to continue developing your strategic political plan of action (one 60-minute strategic coaching call).

  4. Check-in with your Tiara Certified Leadership Coach to measure your progress and make adjustments (one 30-minute call).

Are you a Premium or Premium Plus member of the Tiara Resource Circle? If so, you receive 10% off of this coaching package.

Not a member yet? Join here.

Claim Your Innate Strengths with the Kolbe A Index (TM)
Deepen Your Emotional Intelligence with EQ-i (TM)